Thursday, December 19, 2019

Pediatric Cardiology

#Pediatric Cardiology is a speciality that addresses heart conditions in babies including #unborn babies, #children and #teenagers. Pediatric cardiologists specialize in diagnosing and treating #heart problems in children. In those children who might need #heart surgery, #pediatric cardiologists work closely with pediatric heart surgeons to determine the #best treatments and #interventions. #Pediatric cardiology is the branch of pediatrics which devoted to #diagnose and treat heart problems in children.
    About one in every 100 children has a #heart problem. Many different types of heart problems can affect children. They include #Congenital heart defects, #viral infections that affect the heart, and even heart disease acquired later in #childhood due to #illnesses or#Genetic syndromes. The term heart problems include several conditions such as structural differences #during birth, #electrical system which controls the #heartbeat, #abnormal blood vessels, #holes between chambers, valve problems. A number of heart conditions can affect children. Some are structural differences they are born with. Others involve the electrical system that controls the heartbeat. #Pediatric cardiologists are specially trained to diagnose and manage these problems.
For more details about sessions or conference, Please visit the following Link:
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#Pediatric­_Congress2020#Tokyo#Japan #Pediatric_Dermatology #Pediatric_Nursing #Pediatric_Oncoclogy #Generalpediatrics #Pediatric_cardiology #Pediatric_infectiousdiseases #Pediatric_neprology #Pediatric_pulmonology #Clinical_pediatrics.
For more details about sessions or conference, Please visit the following Link:
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#Pediatric­_Congress2020#Tokyo#Japan #Pediatric_Dermatology #Pediatric_Nursing #Pediatric_Oncoclogy #Generalpediatrics #Pediatric_cardiology #Pediatric_infectiousdiseases #Pediatric_neprology #Pediatric_pulmonology #Clinical_pediatrics.

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